
三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用



AIRBFT空气悬挂网站介绍:三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

AIRBFT空气悬挂网站介绍:三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT气动避震专车专用
Airbft pneumatic shock absorption website introduction: Mitsubishi Yishen pneumatic shock absorption special barrel, airbft pneumatic shock absorption special car
Model: Mitsubishi Yishen
Brand: airbft
Origin: Taiwan
Warranty: 12 months 

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

三菱翼神空气悬挂专用桶身 AIRBFT空气悬挂专车专用

东南汽车最新车型LancerEX的中文名称 “翼神”。 由东南汽车生产的三菱蓝瑟·翼神Lancer EX将于11月12日正式上市,此次上市的车型为6款,比之前预售三菱翼神的5款增加了1款——1.8L时尚版睿智型MT,而这款最低配置的车型,将拉低蓝瑟·翼神的价格区间。 动力方面,蓝瑟·翼神搭载1.8L/2.0L原装进口全铝MIVEC 4B1系列发动机:1.8L 4B10发动机最大功率100kW/6000rpm,峰值扭矩175N·m/4250rpm;2.0L 4B11发动机,最大功率112kW/6000rpm;峰值扭矩197N·m/4250rpm。与这两台发动机相匹配的是5挡手动及原装进口CVT(带可手动切换的6个挡位)变速箱。作为一款运动风格比较强烈的家用紧凑型车,蓝瑟·翼神要面对的竞争者不算少,科鲁兹、福克斯、马自达3、思域将会是其比较直接的对手。 提到三菱的传奇车型Lancer,热爱汽车运动的朋友都不会陌生。它从1973年问世,到目前为止已经历经了10代,在世界拉力锦标赛上取得了辉煌的成绩。这次试驾的第9代蓝瑟翼神是在第10代Lancer EVO的基础上研发的民用版本,和专为赛车而生的EVO相比,翼神更好的满足了大众需求,更突显了亲民化。
The Chinese name of southeast automobile’s latest model lancerex is “Yishen”. The Mitsubishi Lancer ex, produced by southeast automotive, will be officially launched on November 12. There are six models on the market this time, one more than the five models of Mitsubishi Lancer ex sold in advance – 1.8L fashion smart Mt. this model with the lowest configuration will lower the price range of Lancer Lancer ex. In terms of power, Lanser Yishen is equipped with 1.8l/2.0l original imported all aluminum MIVEC 4b1 series engine: 1.8L 4b10 engine with maximum power of 100kW / 6000rpm and peak torque of 175n · M / 4250rpm; 2.0L 4b11 engine with maximum power of 112KW / 6000rpm and peak torque of 197n · M / 4250rpm. Matched with these two engines are 5-gear manual and imported CVT (with 6 gears that can be manually switched) transmissions. As a family compact car with strong sports style, Lancer Yishen has many competitors to face. Cruz, fox, Mazda 3 and civic will be its direct competitors. When it comes to Mitsubishi’s legendary Lancer, it’s no stranger to anyone who loves automobile sports. It came out in 1973, has gone through 10 generations so far, and has made brilliant achievements in the World Rally Championship. This test drive of the 9th generation Lancer wing God is a civilian version developed on the basis of the 10th generation Lancer Evo. Compared with the evo specially designed for racing cars, the wing God better meets the needs of the public and highlights the affinity to the people.

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