





 “Guangzhou BVS installation” Mazda oncella modified airbft pneumatic shock case. Guangzhou BVS is the designated installation store of airbft in Guangzhou. Xiaojie, the owner of the store, has first-class installation technology, rich experience, complete details processing, and is an absolute craftsman. Players who need to install airbft in Guangdong can contact him for installation. There are also discounts recommended by airbft! ‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT空气悬挂案例 


The barrel body of airbft pneumatic shock absorber is processed and produced by Taiwan shock factory. China airbft pneumatic shock absorber operation center provides the most accurate installation position data. After measuring and customizing the special version of the shock absorber data, it can ensure the special vehicle is dedicated. Each model of airbft pneumatic shock absorber has been strictly tested and adjusted, with accurate installation position and perfect comfort, so that players can pursue the limit The posture at the same time feels unusual comfort and control. In 2020, the new nitrogen version of the shock tank body launched by airbft can achieve better results, lower posture, better control and provide better refitting experience for the players!



The red oncella feels so much better. It seems that several new ones are all red. This car really has a high face value. It is absolutely the right choice for the owner to refit the pneumatic shock absorber. Look at its posture charm! ‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT空气悬挂案例 ‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT空气悬挂案例 ‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT空气悬挂案例 ‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT空气悬挂案例 ‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT空气悬挂案例 

马自达3昂克赛拉,是由长安马自达汽车生产的一款汽车,采用新一代“创驰蓝天”技术和全新设计主题“魂动”的第三款车型,在2014年北京车展首发。该车型将搭载两款创驰蓝天汽油发动机,首次导入中国市场的“SKYACTIV-G 1.5L”和具备高效动力的“SKYACTIV-G 2.0L”。该款车型在配备优先确保行驶安全的先进人机界面基础上,首次应用了“MZD Connect马自达悦联系统。整车配置无时无刻不体现了科技和人性化的驾乘体验。马自达的高颜值设计从来没有让车友失望过,改装气动避震悬挂的马自达希望马友们也会喜欢,以上就是AIRBFT气动避震网站今天为大家分享的‘广州BVS安装’马自达昂克赛拉改装AIRBFT气动避震案例,更多精彩改装案例时刻关注我们,

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